2024 UPDATELast summer, Girls Rock Denver teamed up with Girls Inc. of Metro Denver, bringing instrument instruction and band formation to the Girls Inc. summer campers. We are thrilled to continue to deepen this meaningful relationship with Girls Inc. of Metro Denver this year, where we will be holding camp. Rock Camp 2024 will be open to the public! Space is limited, and the application will open soon.
Help us keep Rock Camp strong in 2024! APPLY to VOLUNTEER!
Black Lives Matter
Our country was built on centuries of slavery and oppression. Rather than coming to an end, this oppression has taken on new forms within the systems that are recognized as foundational to our society. It is the work of all humans to collaborate to dismantle all systems of oppression, internally and externally, and to seek intersectionality within our activism.
Although it may seem like our focus is on gender, sexuality, and identity, we are committed to the fight against racism in all its forms
The opposite of being racist is not inaction; it requires active anti-racist action. Girls Rock Denver is a place for conversations about and action against racism, ableism, sexism, ageism, classism, homophobia, and colonialism, because we are actively working towards dismantling those systems that bring violence to anyone. All volunteers can expect to participate in training and conversations on inclusivity and anti-racism.
Furthermore, we recognize our privilege and openly acknowledge the need to center BIPOC voices and hands on engagement in our leadership and volunteer teams. At Girls Rock Denver, we work to cultivate our campers’ ability to express themselves, to support and shape their communities; we merely amplify them. We are committed to anti-racist work, and to acknowledging where it intersects with our work of empowering girls and gender-expansive youth. We are here to acknowledge inequity in all its forms, and to respond with hope, solidarity, and action. Please check out the following resources, and join us in this work. GRD is committed to fighting white supremacy in all its forms on a daily basis. We are all still learning, and we all have a role to play. Thank you for committing to joining us on this journey of transformation. Until We Meet Again...
Learn more about Girls Rock Denver, and donations and sponsorship. Our funding comes from our community of supporters and we greatly appreciate their support. Girls Rock Denver is a project of the Colorado Nonprofit Development Center (CNDC) — a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Donations are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Proof and federal tax ID can be provided upon request ([email protected]). |